The Bible Translator: Volume 62, Issue 2

Computers as Translators: Translation or Treason?

April 2011

EditorialComputers as Translators: Translation or Treason?Simon Crisp, Bryan Harmelink
Practical PaperThe Democratisation of Translation: Tentative Steps to “New Translation”Carl Gross
Practical PaperA Rationale for AdaptationBruce Waters
Practical PaperLet’s Translate the Scripture from the Best SourcesJean-Claude Loba-Mkole
Practical PaperParatext: User-Driven DevelopmentClayton Grassick, Hart Wiens
Practical PaperGlossing Technology in Paratext 7Jon D. Riding, Gerrit J. van Steenbergen
Practical PaperAdapt ItBruce Waters
Practical PaperAdapt It: Some Lessons Learned in the Saveeng Language ProgramRobert D. Bugenhagen
Practical PaperAdapting the West Kewa New Testament to East KewaKarl J. Franklin
Practical PaperEleven-Part Harmony: Blending Teamwork, Technology, and Creativity in a Multilanguage Translation ProjectJohn Nystrom