Technical Paper | Vocative Displacement in Acts and Revelation | David J. Clark | |
Technical Paper | Afterthought or Emphasis? Subject Supplements as a Translation Problem | John Ellington | |
Technical Paper | Aspects of the Structure, Style, and Transmission of Psalm 73 | Ernst R. Wendland | |
Book Review | Strauss, Mark L. The Inclusive Language Debate: A Plea for Realism by D. A. Carson, Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible Translation and Gender Accuracy | Roger L. Omanson | |
Book Review | Best, Ernest. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Ephesians | Paul Ellingworth | |
Book Review | Didier, Hughes, et al. Les Enjeux de la traduction: L’expérience des missions chrétiennes. Actes des sessions 1995 et 1996 de l’AFOM et du CREDIC | Paul Ellingworth | |
Book Review | Köstenberger, Andreas J. The Missions of Jesus and the Disciples According to the Fourth Gospel. With Implications for the Fourth Gospel's Purpose and the Mission of the Contemporary Church | Jan-A. Bühner | |