The Bible Translator: Volume 49, Issue 2

April 1998

Practical PaperTranslating ExclamationsY. Ofulue
Practical Paper“The Oil Tree” and “Dove's Dung” Translating Flora in 1–2 KingsR. Koops
Practical PaperContainers and Contents: A Case of Functional EquivalenceT. Schneider
Practical PaperThe Use of Animal Imagery in ProverbsP. Bitjick Likeng
Practical PaperThe Lamb of God (John 1.29, 36)P. M. Renju
Practical Paper“Going Down” and “Going Up”L. O. Dorn
NoteTranslating Isaiah 5.1: What Does the Poet Sing?Graham Ogden
NoteTranslating an Apparent Contradiction: Proverbs 26.4-5Euan Fry, William Reyburn
How Was That?