The Bible Translator: Volume 54, Issue 1

January 2003

EditorialAppointment of Editorial BoardPhilip H. Towner
Technical PaperDynamic Equivalence and Functional Equivalence: How Do They Differ?Nigel Statham
Technical PaperHebrew Syntactical Inversions and Their Literary Equivalence in Robert Alter's Translation of GenesisLénart J. de Regt
Technical PaperThe Key Word “Name” and Patterns with 26 in the Structure of AmosLoren F. Bliese
Technical PaperOn Translating Jeremiah 30.18bThomas B. Slater
Technical PaperTranslating καταβραβευέτω [“Disqualify” NRSV] in Colossians 2.18Kent L. Yinger
Technical Paper2 Corinthians 5.20b in the English Bible in the Light of Paul‘s Doctrine of ReconciliationRichard K. Moore
Book ReviewRegt, Lénart J. de. Participants in Old Testament Texts and the Translator: Reference Devices and Their Rhetorical ImpactStephen H. Levinsohn
AnnouncementJournal Announcement
AnnouncementWhat‘s New
Readers‘ Comments