The Bible Translator: Volume 9, Issue 3

July 1958

ArticleA Study of Isaiah 7: 14: Its Meaning and Use in the Masoretic Text, the Septuagint and the Gospel of MatthewRobert G. Bratcher
Considering the etymology and semasiology of the word almah its equivalents in o...... View More
ArticleThe Transmission of the New Testament and its ReliabilityG. D. Kilpattick
There exist very early manuscript for much of the New Testament and they vary am...... View More
A Translation for Translators
“Bethany beyond Jordan” (John 1: 28)
This brief article is an adaptation by Dr. Harold Greenlee from an article by Pr...... View More
When is a Translation Not a Translation?
Readers’ Corner
Literature for Africans
Book ReviewWright, G. Ernest. Biblical ArchaeologyHenry R. Moeller
The Contributors