Editorial | From the Editor | Stephen Pattemore | |
Editorial | Biblical Performance Criticism and Bible Translation | James Maxey | |
Technical Paper | Ideology and Bible Translation: Can Biblical Performance Criticism Help? | Nathan Esala | Biblical performance criticism (BPC) is a provincial practice with particular
N...... View MoreBiblical performance criticism (BPC) is a provincial practice with particular
North American and European historical indices. When entering into a
new context, this methodological genealogy needs to be recognized,
because within those indices overt and covert interests are served. In order
for BPC to be contextualized to serve local interests, it must recognize
practices on the ground and how those practices have already been shaped
or reshaped to serve local interests. I will highlight three practices in the
Bikɔɔm context of Ghana to see how their ideological pathways have been
(re)shaped to serve local interests: written Bible translation, oral tradition,
and preaching. I will discuss two examples where written Bible translation
has partially imitated the pathways of oral tradition and sermonic practice
to better serve local interests. Then I will discuss the material dimensions
of written Bibles and oral tradition as instructive for the way BPC
materially contextualizes. Finally, I will suggest that if contextual Bible study
as developed in South Africa could be adapted for the Bikɔɔm context, it
could be helpful to Bible interpreters, translators, and performers as they
seek to embed their Bible practices in locally controlled ways that foster
local liberation. View Less |
Technical Paper | Mediating the Apocalypse: The Potential Semiotic Effects of Translating for Spoken and Sung Performance | Dan Fitzgerald | From the perspective of Peircean semiotics, people who experience
a performed d...... View MoreFrom the perspective of Peircean semiotics, people who experience
a performed discourse—for example, one that is spoken, sung, and
gestured—experience that discourse as a more direct, “real,” and affective
experience than when they experience that same discourse by reading it.
This distinction is so because performed discourse typically engages many
more iconic and indexical sign-object semioses than does read discourse.
Therefore, Bible translators who translate written biblical discourse for
the express purpose of making that discourse accessible through cultural
performance are obliged, first, to discover the distinct, genre-specific,
iconic, and indexical performance features of their receptor language and
second, champion the inclusion of those performance features in their
translation. As a case study of this kind of translation, this article describes
the manner in which translators of the Baka Bible translation project in
Cameroon translated select passages from the book of Revelation for
spoken and sung narrative performance. View Less |
Technical Paper | Relevance Theory in the Performance of Revelation 17–19 | Peter S. Perry | Relevance theory (RT) describes human communication as a cognitive process
that...... View MoreRelevance theory (RT) describes human communication as a cognitive process
that tends to maximize contextual effects while minimizing processing
effort. From an RT perspective, translation is a communication event in
which a speaker/writer selects some contextual effects of a prior communication
event to replicate with an acceptable amount of processing effort
by new hearers in a different language. Performance is translation in that
it shares the goal of replication of contextual effects; but while translators
may desire verisimilitude above other goals, performers may have differently
prioritized communicative objectives. Performance of a text provides
Bible translators an opportunity to explore the effectiveness of verbal and
non-verbal cues to maximize contextual effects and minimize processing
effort for a specific audience. The performance of Revelation 17–19 offers
a unique window into the cognitive effects of ambiguity and delayed
processing, emotion and tone, space and distance that guide word choice,
syntax, and visual formatting of a written translation. The non-verbal cues
of performance correlate to the visual cues of a text in maximizing desired
contextual effects while minimizing processing effort. View Less |
Technical Paper | Sign Language, Performance, and Identity | Elsa Tamez | The article presents an introduction to issues of Deaf identity, especially
in ...... View MoreThe article presents an introduction to issues of Deaf identity, especially
in relation to performance in Bible translation into sign languages. Deaf
people become visible as Deaf at the moment they start to speak their
language. The communicative performance of sign language is what gives
them their identity as Deaf persons. In an intersemiotic translation, the
translator-signer presents three visible layers of identities: one is him- or
herself as a Deaf person, the other two are the narrator and the characters
represented in the text. To achieve an acceptable translation, the translator
must choose the most relevant strategies regarding these identities;
otherwise, the translation becomes vulnerable to the criticism of the Deaf
community because, in the translation, the first of these identities is visibly
attached to the signer’s own personal identity, including his or her physical
appearance and ethical behavior. View Less |
Technical Paper | Chanting Down the New Jerusalem: Performing Revelation Calypso Style | Marlon Winedt | This article presents an approach to the book of Revelation from the perspective...... View MoreThis article presents an approach to the book of Revelation from the perspective
of translation as embodied performance. The performance is based
on a specific hermeneutical framework from the Caribbean perspective of
creolité, resulting in the actual performance of two passages (“Babylon has
fallen” and “the New Jerusalem comes down”) in Papiamentu, a Creole
language of the region. Thus, a modern Caribbean audience is challenged
to engage with the text orally in relevant matters of oppression and the
forging of a collective identity through the visions of John, the Seer. A brief
sociocultural analysis of the book of Revelation and concrete performance
criteria result in a basic script for audiovisual presentation. Ultimately,
translation itself is a form of performance and performance is a form of
translation. The preparation of the text and the actual performance open
the door to a more concrete appropriation of the text through orality. View Less |
Practical Paper | Quality Bible Translation in Minority Languages: Can It Be Done? | Nico Daams | This article aims to establish that a Bible team translating the Bible in a
min...... View MoreThis article aims to establish that a Bible team translating the Bible in a
minority language can have the same level of quality as a translation carried
out by a large, well-funded team in a national language. In order to validate
this claim, the article first looks at the criteria of a good-quality translation,
and then investigates how these criteria are affected by the different contexts
in which Bible translation takes place. The final conclusion states what
conditions must be met in minority Bible translation projects to achieve
good-quality translations. View Less |
Practical Paper | Bible Translation Overtaken by Change | Anicia del Corro | The article documents two Bible translation projects in the Philippines
that to...... View MoreThe article documents two Bible translation projects in the Philippines
that took longer than usual to finish. The Pampango Bible took twenty-four
years, and the Bolinao New Testament took thirty-five years. Accelerated
change in the society generated changes in language preference with Tagalog
competing with Pampango. From thirty barangays (the smallest political
unit) in the 1970s that spoke Bolinao, this has been reduced to only six.
Reasons cited are: easy access by land on the part of the Ilocanos; transport
routes that once were by sea are now primarily by land, with good roads
from the town of Bolinao to Manila; and a new bridge bringing an end to
the isolation of the island towns of Anda and Santiago. One obvious sign
of language endangerment is that young children are now unable to speak
Bolinao, and only those in their fifties or sixties use Bolinao with ease. View Less |
Practical Paper | Translating the Tetragrammaton in Seediq | Yu Suee Yan | Translating the tetragrammaton and the appellations associated with it
poses a ...... View MoreTranslating the tetragrammaton and the appellations associated with it
poses a challenge for most of the minority-language Bible translation
projects in China and Taiwan. All the translation teams adopt a Chinese
Bible version as the model text. The various Chinese versions handled the
divine name in different ways, each with its own complications. The Seediq
translation team in Taiwan could not find a suitable solution from the various
Bible versions they consulted. They looked into their own cultures
and found a creative solution. View Less |
Technical Paper | Translating New Testament Proverb-Like Sayings in the Style of Local Proverbs | Chris Pluger | This paper identifies a collection of “proverb-like” sayings found in the
G...... View MoreThis paper identifies a collection of “proverb-like” sayings found in the
Greek New Testament and analyzes some of the grammatical and phonological
features that characterize the collection. It then exemplifies the
translation of several of these sayings into the Nsenga language as Nsenga
proverbs, following the literary functional-equivalence (LiFE) approach described
by E. R. Wendland. It is hoped that these “LiFE-like” Nsenga translations
can serve as models for the translation of biblical proverbs into
appropriate local literary forms in languages around the world. View Less |