Practical Paper | Translation as Performance and Engagement: Performing Philemon from a Modern Caribbean Perspective | Marlon Winedt | This introductory article addresses the use of performance criticism
in the tra...... View MoreThis introductory article addresses the use of performance criticism
in the translation of Philemon as a means of critically engaging a
modern Caribbean audience. The aim is to elicit a hermeneutical
appropriation, which faces, in one way or the other, the polemic of
condoned New Testament slavery, the reality of the Atlantic slave trade,
and the liberating message of the gospel, which in the concrete case of
Philemon is expressed rather subtly. The point of departure is that oral
performance played a key role in the composition and dissemination of
the original Scripture texts. This, combined with the salient fact that
orality plays a key role in Creole language cultures, provides a fecund
terrain for the translator. As an illustration, an integral translation for
performance in Papiamentu, a Caribbean Creole, is juxtaposed with a
provocative fictional response by the historical character of Tula, the
Curaçaoan revolt leader of 1795. View Less |
Technical Paper | Bible Translation of Non-Mandarin Han Fangyan (Dialects) in Mainland China: The Case of Swatow | Simon Wong | This paper aims at raising awareness of the Bible translation needs among the
n...... View MoreThis paper aims at raising awareness of the Bible translation needs among the
non-Mandarin Han dialect groups in the People’s Republic of China, especially
in the light of the recent reprinting of the 1898 Swatow New Testament by
a Swatow Baptist Church in Hong Kong. Such needs are better understood
in terms of the Chinese term fangyan, which means topolect (or, regionalect),
rather than dialect; in particular, the non-Mandarin Han fangyan spoken in
the southeast of the country, such as Cantonese (Yue), Hakka, Hokkien
(Min), and so forth, are mutually incomprehensible. Bible translation work
among the local fangyan remains very active in Taiwan. It is nevertheless
not encouraged, if not forbidden, in Mainland China, mainly because of the
country’s deliberate suppression of any fangyan publication. It is hoped that
the 2001 revision of the language policy may give more room to the possibility
of translation. View Less |
Technical Paper | Translating Job 42.6—A Modest Proposal | Yu Suee Yan | Job 42.6 has been interpreted in various ways by ancient translators
and modern...... View MoreJob 42.6 has been interpreted in various ways by ancient translators
and modern scholars. The traditional interpretation of a repentant Job,
found in most Bible versions, has its own problems and difficulties. A
re-examination of the words used in Job 42.6 leads to the conclusion
that Job is both overwhelmed and comforted. A new rendering of
Job 42.6 is proposed, with the alternative interpretations listed in a
footnote. View Less |
Technical Paper | Translation and Textual Criticism: The Case of Two Competing Readings, Both of Which Make Good Sense | Adrian Schenker | In Isa 41.23 the Hebrew text is divided into two different readings, a Qere
and...... View MoreIn Isa 41.23 the Hebrew text is divided into two different readings, a Qere
and a Kethib reading. The two readings have often been explained as a
difference between two different verbs, the Qere reading derived from the
verb rā’â “to see,” and the Kethib derived from yārē’ “to be afraid.” This is
a misunderstanding: in both readings the verb is “to see.” The difference
is in the mood: while the Qere reading is in the cohortative, “that we may
see,” the Kethib is in the indicative, “and we will see.” No textual witness
reads the verb “to be afraid” in this verse. The many Bible translations
that render the verb as “to fear” in reality adopt a conjecture, that is,
a reading without base in any textual witness. This example shows how
translators must rely upon good textual resources in order to make the
correct choices between competing readings. View Less |
Technical Paper | Mĕkōnôt, Models, and Mathematics: 1 Kings 7.27-37 | Paul J. N. Lawrence, Peter Schmidt | The mĕkônâ is a bronze wheeled stand described in detail in 1 Kgs 7.27-37.
T...... View MoreThe mĕkônâ is a bronze wheeled stand described in detail in 1 Kgs 7.27-37.
This article explores a number of questions that arise when the description
in 1 Kings is compared to several bronze wheeled stands that have been
found in Cyprus. View Less |
Technical Paper | Lexicography to the Aid of a Problematic Pastoral Proverb: With What Should Christians Be Content in 1 Timothy 6.8? | David H. Wenkel | What are the essential needs for survival? One answer to this question lies
in ...... View MoreWhat are the essential needs for survival? One answer to this question lies
in 1 Timothy 6.8. But a quick comparison of various Bible translations will
reveal that the answer is not so easily discernible. Some translations use
the word pair “food and clothing” while others have “food and shelter.”
These are vastly different answers. This study will examine primary source
materials in order to seek an accurate translation and interpretation of the
word σκέπασμα in this important verse. An examination of primary source
materials with an emphasis on synchronic evidence will demonstrate that
1 Timothy 6.8 most likely refers to clothing and not to housing or shelter. View Less |
Technical Paper | Translating Ἀσθενέω in James 5 in Light of the Prophetic LXX | Andrew Bowden | This article argues that the LXX prophetic material should be considered
when t...... View MoreThis article argues that the LXX prophetic material should be considered
when translating ἀσθενέω in James 5.14. This context implies that James,
like the prophets, is offering restoration to those who have fallen into sin.
In order to understand the role of the LXX prophetic material in James,
a recent essay by Karen Jobes is highlighted, followed by further analysis
of James’s allusion to the LXX and of the context and thought flow of
5.13-18. Although it is increasingly recognized that the prophetic material
was an important source for James, its possible influence on the meaning of
ἀσθενέω in 5.14 has been overlooked. After arguing that James addresses
the spiritually fallen, the article examines several details of the paragraph in
order to see how this conclusion relates to the immediate context. View Less |
Technical Paper | Food and Wine as Seductress to Doom, Even If the Sleeping Is with One’s Own Wife! A Translation Note on 2 Sam 11.8b | Ross Cole | In most translations of 2 Sam 11.8b the nuanced similarity of the two
clauses i...... View MoreIn most translations of 2 Sam 11.8b the nuanced similarity of the two
clauses is lost. Often the translation of the second clause depicts the king
actively sending משאת המלך out after Uriah, even though the king is not the
subject of the verb. It has been suggested that משאת המלך refers to a
signaller who goes out to spy on Uriah. It is more likely that the reference
is to the gift of the king, ambiguously personified as a woman seeking to
seduce the hapless Uriah from his duty. View Less |
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