The Bible Translator: Volume 46, Issue 1

January 1995

Technical PaperThe Silence of Women in the Church: Theology and Translation in 1 Corinthians 14.33b–36Daniel C. Arichea, Jr.
Technical PaperComings and Goings in the BibleRoger L. Omanson
Technical PaperTheological Reflections on the Textual Criticism of the BiblePaul Ellingworth
Technical PaperThe Dog in the Night a Note on Mark’s Non-Use of KaiPaul Ellingworth
Technical Paper“To Spend the Night”? Translating the Hebrew Verb LînJean-Claude Margot
Book ReviewMatthew‘s Gospel: A Survey of Some Recent CommentariesGraham N. Stanton
Book ReviewTrends in TranslationPhilip C. Stine
Book ReviewAlonso Schoekel, Luis. Diccionario bíblico hebreo-español, fascículos 1–2Moisés Silva
Book ReviewBarnstone, Willis. The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, PracticeRoger A. Bullard
Book ReviewBittencourt, B. P. Novo Testamento — Metodologia na Pesquisa TextualRobert G. Bratcher
Book ReviewHargreaves, Cecil. Translator’s Freedom — Modern English Bibles and Their LanguageRobert G. Bratcher
Book ReviewHepper, F. Nigel. Baker Encyclopedia of Bible PlantsEdward R. Hope
Book ReviewPeterson, Eugene H. The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary EnglishRobert G. Bratcher
AnnouncementBooks Received