The Bible Translator: Volume 26, Issue 3

July 1975

Technical PaperThe Korean Bible: A Linguistic DiagnosisNosoon Kwak
Technical PaperLanguage and PsychologyEugene A. Nida
Technical PaperTextual Criticism and the Textual Basis of a Translation of the Old TestamentBertil Albrektson
Technical PaperA Second Look at the United Bible Societies’ Greek New TestamentJ. Keith Elliott
Technical PaperParallelism in the New Testament—Needed: A New Bishop LowthKenneth E. Bailey
Technical PaperThe Interpretation and Translation of Constructions with a Passive Meaning in the Greek of the Synoptic GospelsDonald S. Deer
Technical PaperThe United Bible Societies’ Hebrew Old Testament Text ProjectClemens Locher
NoteThe ApocryphaR. C. Fuller
Book ReviewNida, E. A. Exploring Semantic StructuresErik C. Fudge
Book ReviewSwellengrebel, J. L. In Leydeckers VoetspoorO. E. Ch. Woewoengan
Book ReviewPasselecq, G., and F. Poswick. Table pastorale de la BibleC. Dieterlé
Book ReviewVoss, Heerma van, Houwink ten Cate, and N.A. van Uchelen. Travels in the World of the Old TestamentJan de Waard
Book ReviewChilds, S. Brevard. The Book of ExodusH. F. Peacock
Book ReviewBoyd, R. H. S. India and the Latin Captivity of the ChurchJohn Philipose
Book ReviewGudschinsky, Sarah C. Handbook of Literacy: A Manual of Literacy for Preliterate PeoplesHerbert C. Purnell