The Bible Translator: Volume 25, Issue 3

July 1974

Technical PaperThe ApocryphaArie De Kuiper
Technical PaperThe Problem of the Relationship of the Greek Text of the Bible to the Church Slavonic and Russian TextK. I. Logachev
Technical PaperBible Translations in RussiaErich Bryner
Technical PaperSome Misunderstood Hebrew Words for God’s Self-RevelationJ. H. Eaton
Technical PaperWords and ThoughtsEugene A. Nida
Technical PaperDynamic Equivalent InterpretationPaul D. Fueter
Technical PaperProposed Renderings for Some Johannine PassagesJames Williams
Book ReviewBrockington, L. H. The Hebrew Text of the Old TestamentD. Barthélemy
Book ReviewAnderson, A. A. The Book of PsalmsJan de Waard
Book ReviewAuvray, P. Isaïe 1–39, Introduction, Traduction et NotesPierre Sandevoir
Book ReviewThe Translator’s Handbook on the Letters of JohnPeter Muller
Book ReviewVuilleumier, Rene, and Carl A. Keller. Michée—Nahoum—Habacuc—Sophonie, Commentaire de l'Ancien Testament XIbJan de Waard
Book ReviewAlbright, W. F., and C. S. Mann. The Anchor Bible, Matthew
Hill, David. The New Century Bible, The Gospel of Matthew
David J. Clark
Book ReviewMounin, Georges. La Linguistique du XXe SiècleEugene A. Nida
Book ReviewKoller, Werner. Grundprobleme der Übersetzungstheorie, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung schwedisch-deutscher ÜbersetzungsfälleBirgit Stolt
Book ReviewWeber, Kurt. Bibelübersetzungen unter der Lupe (Handbuch für Bibelleser)Arie de Kuiper